The goal for most Indigenous language revitalization efforts is to bring the language back into the home.  For that to happen, though, Indigenous language learners need to master the vocabulary of home and family life.  Many Ojibwe language students learned (or are learning) Ojibwemowin as a second language, and using materials (such as dictionaries, phrase books, and the like) which may not adequately cover domestic life and family relations.  This book, Aaniin Ekidong, attempts to fill in some gaps, covering more aspects of home life, self- and other care, and bodily functions. 

Additionally, since many of the contributors to the Ojibwe Vocabulary Project teach in immersion schools and want to support the parents/guardians of their students in learning Ojibwemowin to extend the immersion environment, this book also contains vocabulary used in school curricula.  That means that terms used in math, science, social science, and other subjects that aren’t well represented in other Ojibwemowin learning materials are presented here.

So, if you want to expand your vocabulary to both cover several types of passing gas (boogijiiwi = stress fart, fart from lifting a heavy object), or to talk about the US Constitution and basic treaty federalism in Ojibwemowin, this book is a good start.

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